Information is power.
Urbital is information.

Calculate the approximate price of your house. Learn about supply and demand in the real estate market in Puerto Rico. Review particular data that affects or benefits your investment.

What is Urbitalâ„¢?

Urbital is a data-driven application based on data from Puerto Rico that presents you with an approximate price of a property based on market, economic and demographic factors. Urbital organizes zoning details into parcels and visualizes the data so you can make more informed decisions about your property’s potential price. Calculate the price of your house, estimate the value of your property with data that Urbital offers you.

A Comparative Market Analysis

on any condo, neighborhood or sector of interest.

What’s the approximate price or real estate in a region? Solicit neighborhood reporting guides to stay informed on granular market conditions. Download complete reports on sales and listing trends and other insights such as power outage availability.


Know comparative prices of your residence and details of the economic and social environment that impacts the price in the market of your property.


Learn about the supply and demand of houses or condominiums by town and region throughout Puerto Rico. Evaluate the real estate market with professional assistance before making a decision on your biggest investment.

Mortgage Lenders

We assist serious and credible buyers. Find a lender on Urbital who can help you with mortgage pre-qualification.

Real Estate Brokers

Urbital offers brokers the most comprehensive and easy to use tool to inform clients on pricing analysis for selling or buying a home.

An app for understanding real estate prices in Puerto Rico and finding access to the right service with the right person. Urbital empowers real estate decisions.

Connect to Urbital

Urbital is led by real estate and technology professionals from Puerto Rico. We’re part of a successful network empowering users through digital services. Urbital is meant to serve the real estate needs of buyers and sellers in Puerto Rico. Please review our terms and conditions.